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PO Box 2101
South Hamilton, MA 01982

Help us bring groomed cross-country skiing to the Hamilton area.

The North Shore Nordic Association, a 501C3 tax exempt non-profit charitable organization formed by local residents with the goal of acquiring and operating ski grooming equipment on some of our local trails. The NSNA will work with local land stewards to groom a classical and skate ski lane on several existing trails including Patton Park, portions of the Discover Hamilton Trail, Appleton Farms and Grassrides, Bradley Palmer State Park and hopefully Sagamore Hill.


The NSNA is seeking funding from multiple sources to acquire an 84” Groomer and a special utility snowmobile to tow the groomer. Additionally we seek to acquire a trailer, operating insurance, fuel, signage, trail maps and signs. Please consider making a donation in any amount on our website All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. WE need to raise a total of approximately $25,000 to get the operation up and running for the winter of 2015-2016. Subsequent years will only require funds to operate and maintain our equipment and pay for fuel and insurance. The NSNA will be an entirely volunteer run operation and we are seeking anyone interested in helping out in any way.


Once we are operational all ski trail use will be free of charge and supported by donations. NSNA will issue donor cards, as a token of appreciation to those making a donation of at least $100.


NSNA is also seeking to partner with corporate sponsors to fund a portion of our capital campaign.



About US

The North Shore Nordic Association was founded to promote winter use of the regions existing trail networks and recreational assets. The NSNA will work with existing organizations and governmental entities to design and maintain a system of winter trails for snow based activities such as cross country skiing, skate skiing, and snowshoeing, which would not be detrimental to the maintenance of the snow surface on the trails. The trails will be donation supported and open to all.

The NSNA will use low impact grooming equipment to maintain a groomed snow surface and ski track along an established trail network that will use existing trails. Volunteers and or paid staff will tow a snow-grooming device behind a snowmobile. The snow surfaces shall be groomed on a schedule that is consistent with snowfall and trail use.

The NSNA will serve the North Shore communities of Essex County where there are existing municipal and private trails and recreational facilities. Starting in Hamilton the NSNA intends to eventually branch out to connect the trail systems of the Discover Hamilton Trail, The Trustees of Reservations Appleton Farms and Grassrides, The Harvard Woods, The Massachusetts DCR Bradley Palmer and Willowdale state parks, The Bay Circuit Trail and other local existing trail networks.

The NSNA will benefit the citizens of Hamilton and it’s surrounding communities by leveraging our existing trail and open space assets to provide winter recreational and athletic activities. Eventually the NSNA could work with local recreation departments to provide structured training and competitive winter opportunities for local youth. The NSNA will be able to use existing lighting in Patton Park to offer evening trail use in the park, providing outdoor opportunities when daylight is limited.

Mission Statement

The North Shore Nordic Association promotes winter use of our area’s existing trail networks and recreational assets by partnering with existing organizations to plan and maintain a system of winter trails for human-powered snow sports such as cross-country skiing, skate skiing, and snowshoeing. NSNA encourages and facilitates active living and exploration of the outdoors in winter by providing a network of groomed trails, trail maps, and signs. Use of the groomed trails is donation supported and open to all.


Board of Directors

Tom Catalano, Co-founder

Carol Catalano, Co-founder

Bob Carroll

Greg Horner

Aidan MacDonald

James Trudeau

Jack Whittier

Tony Spencer

Kim McCabe

Our land Partners

Appleton Farms - The Trustees of Reservations

Organization and Operations

The NSNA volunteers use low impact grooming equipment to maintain a groomed snow surface and ski track along existing trail networks. The snow surfaces are groomed on a schedule that is consistent with snowfall and trail use and will not disturb the underlying trail structure. 

The NSNA serves the North Shore communities of Essex County where there are existing municipal and private trails and recreational facilities. Starting in Hamilton and Ipswich with The Trustees of Reservations’ Appleton Farms and Grass Rides.