What is special about groomed trails?
Makes learning to ski easier for all ages
Helps to compact deep snow
Creates tracks to guide skis
Creates a flat ski lane for skate skiing
Creates that wonderful "corduroy"
Loosens up hardpack and ice
Patches up ruts and impact depressions
Helps snow cover last longer
Where can I rent or buy skis?
The Sports Stop (67 Main Street, Wenham, MA)
REI (279 Salem Street, Reading, MA)
How can I help?
Inquire as to whether your employer has a grant-matching program.
Spread the word about us on social media, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram .
Volunteer for one of our open positions.
Are you a registered non-profit? Are my donations tax-deductible?
The North Shore Nordic Association of Hamilton, MA is a 501C3 tax exempt non-profit charitable organization. Your donations are tax-deductible. Donate here.
Learn to Cross Country Ski with CANSI instructor Keith Nicol.
What is the difference between classic cross country and skate skiing?
"Classical skiing is the original style of cross-country skiing. In this style the arms and legs move parallel to the direction of travel and with the same tempo as walking or running.
Classical skiing depends on the kicking and gliding with parallel skis to move forward on a trail.
Skate skiing is a newer method of cross-country skiing and uses lateral movements that are familiar to inline, roller and ice skaters. The arms work together with the legs to help achieve forward momentum" (Williams, Carlesa: About.com: An Introduction to Skate Skiing).
Who can use the trails?
Cross country skiers, skate skiers, and snowshoers. If you are snowshoeing, please walk along the edge of the skate track. Respect the groomed trails - if you are sinking in and creating ruts and holes, please choose an un-groomed trail to hike on.
How much does it cost to use the trails?
The trails are free, but donations help us offset the cost of grooming and are appreciated. Donate here.
When are the trails open?
Sunrise to sunset.
Where will the groomed trails be located?
The majority of trails will be located at Appleton Farms and Grass Rides. Check the maps section of our website for details.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for up to date grooming reports.
Will bikes be allowed on the trails?
On groomed trails, please follow the International Mountain Biking guidelines:
Bike tires must be a minimum of 3-1/2" wide
Bike tires must have a maximum tire pressure of 19 psi
Bikes must be able to ride on the groomed trail surface without creating a rut
Will dogs be allowed on the trails?
For rules regarding dogs on the trails, please refer to the dog policies and leash rules of the individual properties. A portion of each trail will be groomed for skiing, leaving an un-groomed section to the side for use by non-skiers. Please respect the groomed trails. If your dog is tearing up the tracks or creating holes and divots, please choose one of the many un-groomed trails to ski on.
Where can I find a trail map?
Map are available at trail heads, inside the dairy store, and in the maps section of our website.
How deep must the snow be before it can be groomed?
Snow must be 6 inches deep on close-cut grass surfaces before we can groom. It must be deeper than that where the underlying vegetation is tall, and still deeper in wooded areas.
How often will the trails be groomed?
After a substantial snowfall and on an as-needed basis to rehabilitate the snow surface. Please recognize that this is an entirely volunteer effort, and we will do our best to groom all the trails we have access to. However, at times this may not be possible. Please check our grooming updates page for up to date details.